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It is well known that the precipitation of
It is well-known that the precipitation of solid cholesterol monohydrate crystals from supersaturated bile is the first irreversible physical-chemical step in gallstone formation. To study the characteristics, metastable intermediates, and kinetics in the phase transitions of bile, a series of phase
Vaccines for rotavirus and cholera
Vaccines for rotavirus and cholera—the two diseases with the highest child mortality rates and a significant fraction of the global diarrhoeal burden—are at preliminary stages of implementation. The use of vaccination as a global primary-prevention strategy can also be rapidly strengthened with the
br There is growing recognition that children
There is growing recognition that children bear a substantial burden of tuberculosis morbidity and mortality. However, in regions where the diagnosis is contingent on smear microscopy, the burden attributable to children, who usually have paucibacillary disease, is grossly underestimated. The down
br Quentin Eichbaum and colleagues describe how new medical
Quentin Eichbaum and colleagues describe how new medical schools in Africa have developed curricula that include community and rural health components, long-term family attachments, and admission processes that are more equitable for disadvantaged students. All these worthwhile innovations have be
Una condici n sine qua non es la institucionalizaci
Una condición sine qua non es la institucionalización de la autonomía de las fuerzas armadas respecto del poder civil, un rasgo específico, del militarismo latinoamericano que ha hecho del Estado de excepción, la norma. En Guatemala, la misma se remonta motilium la Constitución de 1945 y al estatuto
Las pol ticas cosmopolitas de Or genes
Las políticas cosmopolitas de Orígenes, por su parte, combinaron los intereses de sus directores, José Lezama Lima y José Rodríguez Feo. El primero, estaba empeñado en la formación de un grupo poético creativo, que trabajara en el diseño de una teleología para el proyecto republicano. Esta teología
In the case reported by Goldstein et al
In the case reported by Goldstein et al. [2], a Riata ST lead (St. Jude Medical, Sylmar, CA, USA) was used. The authors did not mention whether the lead was a dual-coil system or not. If the lead was a single-coil system, the possibility of an HV short circuit between the RV coil conductor and the d
paricalcitol br Conflict of interest br Acknowledgments This
Conflict of interest Acknowledgments This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 81273501 and 81470378). Introduction Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a tragic event and the aftermath is devastating to the surviving family and community. SCD occurs in ne
En el Estudio preliminar el lector encontrar un
En el “Estudio preliminar”, el lector encontrará un magnífico marco de referencia para ubicar con precisión la obra. Contra una vieja mala costumbre de la crítica mexicañista más convencional de repetir una y otra vez los juicios críticos de los grandes maestros, Belem Clark de Lara teje una trama m
p2y receptor br Luego de las iniciales
Luego de las iniciales de su nombre, G. O., Owen reproduce el fragmento traducido. Por esta afición, no resulta extraño que cuando parte hacia Nueva York, p2y receptor mediados de 1928, Owen lleve consigo las Obras completas de Lautréamont. Este, indudablemente, influyó en la confección de los poe
aminopeptidase inhibitor br Malaria is a major public health
Malaria is a major public health problem and a leading cause of mortality worldwide, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where 90% of the world\'s 627 000 malaria deaths occur every year. However, the disease is usually curable if diagnosed quickly. Diagnosis is often made on the basis of clinical s
Several mechanisms have been proposed Due
Several mechanisms have been proposed. Due to a greater birth interval, children who are breastfed will enjoy a greater period of exclusive parental attention as either the only child or youngest child. This exclusivity might have an effect on intelligence. It has been consistently observed that the
El reto que est por venir en Am
El reto que está por venir en América Latina es que sus estados reconocidos como pluriétnicos no reciclen políticas indigenistas con el objeto de enmascarar su oposición gli protein la diversidad cultural, ni tampoco revivan proyectos jerárquicos para atender las diversidades culturales. Es indispen
In Furman and Young were the first to
In 1977, Furman and Young [3] were the first to report on transvenous pacemaker lead scopolamine hydrobromide in 12 children and adolescents. The youngest patient was 1 month old. After their report, several other papers on endocardial pacemaker implantation in small children were published (Table
br Conflicts of interest br
Conflicts of interest Funding This study was supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST-103-2314-B-002-090). Introduction Ancient schwannoma is an uncommon variant of schwannoma, which arises from the nerve sheath Schwann cells, with a typically long cour
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